Active Life Team

AL-P Scholarship and Business Boot Camp


Want to get more clients, make more money per client, help them more deeply, and build a career doing it? Oh, and have a chance to win $15,000 in education and mentorship? The answer’s probably, “Duh, who wouldn’t!”

If so, we've got some great news for you!

The Business Boot Camp with Dr. Sean Pastuch is back, and this time it involves a HUGE scholarship giveaway.

In this 10-day business boot camp for coaches you’ll learn:

  • How to identify high value problems that your clients have so that you can charge what you’re worth
  • How create a marketing message to attract your ideal clients so you no longer have to chase after them
  • How to charge more than double what others in your market charge (and how to get people to say yes)
  • How to structure a coaching business to make $100k/ year without having to work more than 35 hours a week 


All participants who complete this 10-day online bootcamp will be entered to win our $15,000 coaching giveaway. We’re giving away a spot to AL-P completely free, as well as a handful of partial scholarships. The AL-P scholarship alone is a $15,000 value!


Day 1 kicks off on Monday, July 31st with a live call hosted by Dr. Sean Pastuch at at 3:30 PM EST.

Day 2-9 will include videos to watch and homework to complete on your own as well as open office hours so you get all the mentorship and guidance you need.

Day 10, Thursday, August 10th, will be a live wrap-up call hosted by Dr. Sean Pastuch at at 3:30 PM EST where he will announce the scholarship winner.

The live calls will be recorded and are not mandatory to be on, however it is strongly encouraged that you attend.


  • Kickoff Call on July 31st at 3:30pm EST
  • The winner of the AL-P scholarship will be announced on a live call hosted by Dr. Sean on Thursday, August 10th at 3:30pm EST
  • The call will be recorded, and it's not mandatory to attend, but we highly encourage that you do!

Your Host

Dr Sean Pastuch
Dr. Sean Pastuch